Historic Cold Spring Village Directions Call

Foundation Board of Directors


John Amenhauser
Jason Black
Joseph Cirrinicione
Michael Clark
Norris Clark
Christina P. Clemans
Jim Dietterich
Dona Kemling
Arlene MacDonald



Bernadette Matthews
Steven Morey
Michael Nardi
Jim Ridgway
Anne Salvatore
Joseph E. Salvatore MD
Linda Steenrod
Bud Sundstrom


HCSV Emeritus Board

David Chapman

Sydney Perkins

Nina Ranalli

Friends of HCSV Board of Trustees

Ann Begany
Kevin Begany
Carol Di Joseph
Margaret Feil
Scott Griffith
Joanne Heal
Penny Harding
Mary Lou Hayco
Linda Kissling
Patricia Poake
Anne Salvatore
Joan Thomas
Sue Witt

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The HCSV website has been developed with financial assistance from the New Jersey Historic Trust through the Discover NJ History License Plate Heritage Tourism Grant Program